The long-awaited election has finally come and gone, the election that appeared to seemingly bring about the end of the world. The American two-party system doing what they know best; vilifying the other party, while in most cases, making empty promises. The hype preceeding this election got most people asking for anxiety medications from their doctor and, it did not matter what party you were affiliated with, you were always put in a position where your anger would consistently stay palpable.
But here we are, the election is over and America has made a choice. As far as democracy goes, the choice of the people will be respected. One thing that most people who have lived most of their adult-life in the US will tell you is that most elections they have been through have had the same doom and gloom feeling, especially if their candidate lost the election. It would appear that the worst has happened when they hear their candidate give a concession speech; but guess what? the world did not come to a screeching halt, neither did it come to an end. Life will go on.
One major recurring theme that we heard referencing Donald Trump, the republican candidate was that he will end democracy as we know it for the United States; to be honest, this seems to be the new part. This is not one of the normal things you would hear in an election. But if you are a Democrat and a political junkie who indulged in the news to the bitter end, I salute you and I would recommend that you implore your doctor to up your dose of Zanax because, as most Americans would say it "shit just got real!"
All the theorized apocalyptic announcements from the federalization of abortion bans to the perceived horrors encapsulated in Project 2025 have now become something that will certainly be in the works for next year. However, as most elections in different countries, it does not matter how angry people are that lead them to make a choice in a leader; however that leader rules will affect everyone. A simple example is the Affordable Healthcare; if that is taken away, we need to understand that it is not only Democrats that will suffer this, it will be every one that uses Obamacare.
For the time I have lived in this beautiful country, I was always under the impression that Republicans never won the popular vote, they would only win the electoral college because their policies were not popular. But, with all the things that have been attributed to Trump, from clear audios of him explaining how to grab women by the genitalia to hush money payments to a pornstar, America still made their choice, both in the electoral college as well as the popular vote.
At this point, there is nothing more to do than to give all support to the new president with the hope that he will be a president for all Americans, and hopefully, the angry rhetorics will be toned down. This may not be consistent with the character that has been displayed on TV, but we can only hope for the best.
If you have indulged too much in watching the news leading up to the election, and you have feelings of dissappointment regarding the outcome, I would recommend you find new habits at this time. I can only suggest what I am doing; just replace your podcasts with some soft music, and go deeper into your favorite sports when you turn on the TV. Keep up with your personal hustle, whether it's your job or the business you are into. Because, one of the real reasons I am totally at peace with the outcome of this election is that it reflects the popular collective thought of Americans right now; Young voters made the choice, even one in three colored folks voted Trump. So good or bad, it is to buckle up and bear the outcome.
God bless us all. And God bless the United States of America.
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